Two cars collided, and I, along with another pregnant woman, was rushed into the maternity ward. “This patient’s water has broken, she needs emergency care! Quick, get a family member to sign!”
Just as I was about to be wheeled into the operating room, I quickly said, “My husband is busy, I can sign myself!” Before I could finish, the other pregnant woman’s husband rushed up, covered in blood and panic–stricken.
“Save her first, she’s in worse condition; she has a heart condition!” Despite his blood–streaked face, I recognized him immediately. Dr. Samuel Hartley. My husband. “I’m Dr. Samuel Hartley from Midtown Medical Center. Trust my professional judgment,” he announced confidently.
I reached out to him, only for him to push my hand away sharply.
Title: Two Car Crashed My OB-GYN Husband Saves The Other Woman Instead
Publisher: NovelMaster
Genre: Romance
Language: English
Two Car Crashed My OB-GYN Husband Saves The Other Woman Instead Novel is available to read online on NovelMaster Platform. You can Search it with Novel ID 54414. First Four Chapters are available for free. You can get a VIP access to read it using a Subscription.